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[토익스피킹] 스파르타 토익스피킹 FINAL TEST 1 해설

by 이니T 2024. 5. 23.


fascinating 강세 f에 있음 

apparel 강세 p에 있음 

clothes 는 클로씨스 아니고 클로욷즈로 발음이 남 

a wide variety of 는 many의 뜻과 같은 단어로 한번에 연결해서 읽어줘야 함. 

women 는 워먼이 아니라 위민 

come down / check out 과 같이 이어동사는 뒤에 강조해줘야 함. 


are pleased to V 한번에 읽어주면 좋음 

offer 단어는 : 발음기호가 있음 길게 소리내어 오우f펄 로 내주면 좋음 

all kinds of 도 many 와 같은 뜻으로 한번에 연결해서 읽어주기. 

attendants 는 t에 강세 있음. 

the in-flight safety 에서 the는 디로 읽음 




모범답변 변형시키기 

야외 길거리 사진 

This picture was taken in the street. 

The first thing I see is a few people standing at a crosswalk. 

On the left, three people are standing next to the traffic light. 

one of them is wearing a red jacket and one of them is carrying a black bag. 

In the middle, I can see a yellow train passing next to the blue pole. 

In the background, I can see many buildings lining. 

I can also see some people walking on the sidewalk.

Generally, it seems like people are going somewhere. 


* 야외사진에서 필수로 사용될 수 있는 문장 

People are going somewhere. 

People are enjoying the pleasant weather. 

People are feeling the gentle breeze. 


* 횡단 보도에서 쓸 수 있는 문장 

People are crossing the street at a crosswalk. 

People are waiting at the traffic light. 

People are catching a taxi. 

Cars are stopped at the red light. 

There are buildings and shops lining the street. 

It appears to be a sunny / rainy day. 


* a few / few / a little / little 차이 

a few + 셀 수 있는 명사 : 약간 있는, 조금 있는 

a little + 셀 수 없는 명사 : 약간 있는, 조금 있는 

few + 셀 수 있는 명사 : 거의 없는 

little + 셀 수 없는 명사 : 거의 없는 


사무실 사진 

This picture was taken at an office. 

The first thing I see is three people sitting around the table together. 

All of them are wearing formal suits. 

In the middle, a woman is talking and looking at the man in front of her. 

Next to her, a man is staring at a laptop computer. 

In front of them, a man is clasping his hands together. And I can only see his back. 

In the background, a shelf is filled with many files. 

Generally, it seems like a man is doing an interview. 



What? - 고민하지 말고 아무거나 이야기하세요! Books / A laptop computer / Clothes 등 모두 가능 

How? 는 on 명사 / -ing / by -ing 가능합니다. 

I bought them using my phone / by using my phone / on the internet. 


*테크템 다시 기억해보기 

I can access the () easily ~에 쉽게 접근할 수 있습니다. 
There is a lot of information on the internet.
인터넷에는 많은 정보가 있습니다.

There are many websites/applications/reviews. 많은 웹사이트 /응용프로그램 / 후기가 있어요.
I can compare/find many things such as prices, features, and so on.  저는 가격, 특징 등 많은 것은 비교/찾을 수 있습니다.
All I have to do is just press the button. 저는 버튼만 누르기만 하면 돼요.
By using my phone, I can V anytime, anywhere. 핸드폰을 사용해서 저는 언제 어디서나 V를 할 수 있어요.
I can get a lot of information quickly/easily/conveniently. 저는 많은 정보를 빠르게/쉽게/편리하게 얻을 수 있어요.
I can save my time and effort. 저는 시간과 노력을 아낄 수 있어요.


How frequently -> once or twice a week on average 

why? that's because 


*테크템 사용하기 


Customer reviews - 정보얻기 

Advertisements - 정보얻기 

Pictures with descriptions - 정보얻기 


* 30초 팁 사용하기 


1)       질문 끌어 오기

2)      There are several reasons to support my opinion.

3)      Most of all, it is adj / I can V / I have to V.

4)      이유 말하기, for example, yesterday, I ved and it was adj. 

5)      That’s why ~ / I think so.


I would look for customer reviews if I bought a product online. 

There are several reasons to support my opinion. 

Most of all, it is very helpful. 

Because I can get tons of information related to the product from reviews. 

then, I can compare many things such as prices, features, and so on. 

For example, yesterday, I read reviews and it was very informative.

That's why I think so. 


* review 관련 추가 문장 

It is reliable. 그것은 믿을 수 있어요.

Word of mouth is real. 입소문은 진짜예요.

I can check the buyer’s actual experiences. 저는 실제 사용자들의 경험을 확인할 수 있어요.




On December 4th, you will depart from Los Angeles at 11 am by American Air Flight EA 274. 

On December 4th, you will arrive in Las Vegas at 12:05 pm by American Air Flight EA 274. 


You will stay at the LV Palace Hotel 


There will be a day trip to Hoover on December 7th. 

You will leave for Hoover at 10 am and you will arrive back in Las Vegas at 8 am on the same day. 


On December 9th, you will depart Las Vegas by American Air Flight EA 293 at 5 pm

On December 9th, you will arrive in Los Angeles at 6:05 pm by American Air Flight EA293. 





There are some advantages of accepting a job offer in a different country. 

First, I can meet various people and have a lot of experience in a different country. 

That way, people can broaden thier perspective and expand thier knowledge. 

Not only that, they can improve thier creative thinking skills at the same time. 

That's why it is beneficial for me. 

Second, I can make a lot of foreign friends and develop my foreign language skills. 

then it could be very helpful to work at a global company. 

For example, last year I studied in Japan as an exchange student. 

thanks to that, I learned how to speak Japanese and also I made tons of Japanese friends. 

That's why it was a good experience for me. 

Looking back, it affected my workability and productivity in a good way. 

That's why I think so. 
